Phone: 416-656-3054, 416-656-0722 Toll-free Canada & U.S.A.: 1-844-779-6979


Imagine the the people we serve without our support. Put simply, their dreams are crushed. The work we do is essential to uprooting the root causes of poverty, diseases and ignorance in the communities we serve.

With every donation, you advance C.PP.S. Mission Projects’s enduring work, and open doors of hope and dreams today and for many generations to come.


Through your help, we  provide access to healthcare, much-needed medicines and medical supplies.


You help us provide food and care for hungry children and families.

Getting Involved Is Easy

 Thank you for supporting C.PP.S. Mission Projects  to make the world a “kinder and gentler place.” We change lives for the better because of your Goodness.  But despite the ongoing success of such efforts, our missions always need volunteers and financial support. All of us have the responsibility to make the world a better place.

Do you feel a personal responsibility to help others? Find out how you can share your life and give back to the community.

Volunteer Program

Nobody makes it through life entirely on his or her own merits, even if assistance is not obvious. Indeed, Our mission projects have benefited greatly from generous volunteers. While financial support is always needed in serving the needy, time and effort is just as important, if not more so. As a volunteer, you get to experience first hand the works we do, you get to hear with your own ears, see with your own eyes, and with your own hands what we have been sharing with you concerning the needs of the people we serve.

Organize a Yard Sale for Our Mission Projects

If your talents lie in business, administration, or marketing, consider organizing a yard sale  for your community, dedicating the proceeds to a local charity. Almost every household has electronics, furniture, clothes, or equipment that can be donated because they’re no longer in use. These items have value and can be recycled to those who will use them again.

Partner with Our Schools in Tanzania

We are looking to partner with Canadian schools who want to get engaged, get inspired and get involved in changing the lives of deprived children living in poverty through our schools: St. Gaspar Primary and John Merlini Secondary.

  • We are looking to facilitate exchanges and establish school-to-school contacts in order to expand opportunities for cross-cultural and academic exchanges, discover and appreciate one another’s cultures, serve as learning partners and resources, and create an understanding of global connectedness
  • Develop support and mutual education projects with teachers and students collaborating on project design and implementation
  • Train teachers and mentor student leaders on how to initiate and carry out successful learning project exchanges, for example, focus on science projects incorporating environmental educational themes of climate change, energy and natural resource issues in terrestrial and marine settings.