Phone: 416-656-3054, 416-656-0722 Toll-free Canada & U.S.A.: 1-844-779-6979

Together Uplifting Communities from the ravages of Poverty, Ignorance and Diseases for 44 years

Who we are and How we do it

We are a Charitable Organization founded by the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Atlantic Province to respond to the needs and challenges facing the most vulnerable people who suffer needlessly from a lack of access to Clean Water, Education and healthcare. As Missionaries, we go wherever there is a need and we work in collaboration with our Donors and Partners to empower people and communities we serve escape the ravages of poverty, ignorance and diseases. Thank you for embracing our missions with a generous heart. 


The Difference You Have Made

Drilled 600+ Wells

Over 95% of which continue to provide life giving water today.


Children in a nurturing environment receiving a top ranked Education.

260+ Volunteers

Canadians have journeyed with us to Tanzania and helped us build windmills, schools and clinics. Thank you!

We are grateful to out Volunteer Jessica Poulin for taking and making the videos about C.PP.S Mission Projects. You are an inspiration to our partners, donors and volunteers. Thank you!

You Can Make a Difference in Someone's Life Today!

When you give water, you give life and help protect children, women and their families from walking long distances to fetch water, worms, cholera and other deadly waterborne diseases. Your gift helps build windmills, pipelines, install water pumps and more!

Act Now!

Give children living in poverty the tools to succeed. Your gift will help provide classrooms and libraries with things like desks, chairs, chalkboards, school supplies, teacher training. Above all, help give girls the education they need to rise above poverty and lift their communities.

Respond with us

COVID-19 has impacted our mission projects in many ways, but our mission continues. We have responded by supporting health supply chains, mobilizing health workers, maintaining wells to ensure water continues to flow and handwashing remains possible.  Our schools are focusing on enhancing food security and livelihoods in order to prevent malnutrition for our students, providing funding for students whose families  have experienced  loss of income. Together we can prevent the spread of COVID-19!